Create a Fluttering Bullet Journal Spread With These Butterfly Themed Ideas

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Butterflies are a symbol of transformation, which makes them the perfect theme for a bullet journal spread. Whether you’re looking for something vibrant and colorful or something more subtle and elegant, butterfly themed bullet journal spreads can be tailored to any style. Read on to learn more about how to create a butterfly themed bullet journal spread!

What You Need for a Butterfly Themed Bullet Journal Spread

Creating a butterfly themed bullet journal spread is easy and fun. All you need are some basic supplies, such as a bullet journal, washi tape, stickers, and pens. Once you’ve chosen the colors for your spread, you can start brainstorming ideas for the design of your spread. Ideas include using butterfly stickers or drawings in the center of the page surrounded by colorful doodles of flowers and leaves, adding quotes or messages related to transformation or growth in creative lettering around the sides of the page, or creating a unique border around the edge of the page using washi tape in different colors and patterns. There’s no limit to how creative you can get with a butterfly themed bullet journal spread!

Butterfly Themed Color Palettes

If you’re looking for color ideas, why not take inspiration from real-life butterflies? Their wings are often filled with vibrant hues like blues, purples, yellows, and reds. Once you’ve chosen your colors, be sure to include them in all aspects of your spread – from the background page to the lettering and doodles.

Butterfly Themed Layouts for Bullet Journal Spread

One of the most popular ways to create a butterfly themed bullet journal spread is to use a butterfly layout. This type of spread features butterflies in the form of doodles, stamps, stickers or washi tape. These items can be arranged around your page with the theme in mind. For example, you could draw a large butterfly in the center of your page and then surround it with smaller butterflies and flower patterns. You can also add other elements like quotes or lines to emphasize the look. Another way to incorporate butterflies into your bullet journal spread is to use them as headers. Choose a bold font and paint small butterflies around each letter for a unique look that’s sure to grab attention. Finally, you can also use butterfly stencils or stamps to create intricate designs on your pages that will really stand out!


Butterfly Themed Doodles

Doodle butterflies in the margins, along the sides, or even right on top of the pages. You can use any type and size of doodle to make your spread look beautiful, and you don’t have to be an artist! For example, try drawing a Monarch butterfly for an elegant look, or a Swallowtail butterfly for something more vibrant and colorful. You can also add other elements like flowers and plants to give your spread a more complete look. Once you’ve finished adding all of your doodles, it’s time to move onto the next step!





Butterfly Themed Washi Tape

One of the best ways to create a stunning butterfly bullet journal spread is with washi tape. Washi tape comes in a variety of colors and designs, so you can easily find something that will fit your theme. You can use washi tape to add decorative lines, colorful borders and frames, or to draw intricate patterns. If you want to go all out, you can even use it to create an entire background! Just make sure that the colors of your washi tape complement each other so that your layout looks cohesive.

Butterfly Themed Quotes

One of the easiest and most beautiful ways to create a butterfly themed spread is by including quotes about transformation or butterflies. You could write them in fancy calligraphy or just use a plain font. Whichever you choose, it’s sure to be eye-catching and meaningful. You could also include one of your own favorite quotes that has personal significance for you. It’ll help make your spread even more unique and special.






Butterfly Themed Trackers

Trackers are great for organizing tasks and goals, and you can easily make them butterfly-themed with a few simple steps. All you’ll need is your favorite colored pen and some basic drawing skills. Start by drawing a series of butterfly outlines in various sizes. Then, fill each outline with different colors or patterns for a unique and colorful effect. Once your butterflies are complete, add the corresponding labels or titles to each one to create trackers for whatever goal or task you’re tracking!

Butterfly Themed Writing Prompts

One of the most fun parts of creating a butterfly themed bullet journal spread is coming up with writing prompts. Writing prompts allow you to reflect on your thoughts and feelings, as well as practice your writing skills. Here are some ideas for butterfly themed writing prompts: 

  • What would my life look like if I had wings? 
  • If I could transform into any creature, what would it be and why? 
  • What areas of my life do I need to transform and how can I do that? 
  • How can I break free from the things that are holding me back? 
  • What new opportunities are available to me now that weren’t before?


Creating a butterfly themed bullet journal spread is a great way to express your creativity, while also giving you the opportunity to reflect on yourself and your goals. With the right supplies, color palettes, doodles, layouts, washi tapes, quotes, trackers and writing prompts, you can create a beautiful, fluttering spread that will make you feel inspired every time you open your bullet journal. So, get creative and start planning your butterfly themed spread today!

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